Monday, November 15, 2010


Days spent alone, company with no one to keep it.
Submissively exhilarated by my subconscious.

[Dysfunctional, paranormal, and emphatically flawed.]

Cannot differ the wraith dreams from my ego.
Pretty little ribcage, you're the front door to my inner workings
...and les doigts prying for enlightenment.
What am I?

Dysfunctional, dared to envisage. 
Hung in Resolute
Tossing & Turning
Broken & Debilitated 
I went and dug a little too deep

Take my gift.
A stab for each tear I wept.
Evolved to devitalize the weak-minded,
but born just like you!

1 comment:

  1. Every night i feel like this. and every night it just gets worse
